This is a take-home final exam for AEB 3550 for Spring 2020. It is an individual assignment worth 100 points.



An Analysis of H2A Farm Labor in the US and Florida (100 points)

This is a take-home final exam for AEB 3550 for Spring 2020. It is an individual assignment worth 100 points. For full credit, you must submit a typed word document or pdf on e-learning no later than the due date/time. No points will be awarded for tables and graphs not present in the final document. If you have any questions about this exam, you must ask Dr. Sharp and NOT classmates. No work may be shared among students and any honor code violations will be submitted to the Dean of Students which could result in a delay in your program of study.

Summary: This assignment is cumulative and represents the application of a broad spectrum of descriptive and inferential statistics learned throughout the semester to a H2A Farm Labor dataset. After successfully completing this final exam, students should be able to:

1)      Identify scales of measure of data and coherently organize economic data using Microsoft excel.

2)      Write a professional report in a word document based on statistical analysis.

3)      Create and interpret pivot tables, relative frequency charts and 5 number summaries for qualitative and quantitative data using excel.

4)      Calculate confidence intervals, test statistics and probabilities and interpret probabilistic outcomes for random variables. Conduct hypothesis tests under various distributional assumptions.

5)      Generate charts and graphs in order to interpret the relationship between variables of interest for an economic/agricultural phenomenon.

6)      Use excel to develop simple and multiple regression models and draw conclusions related to agricultural labor markets.

Step 1: Familiarize yourself with the data

Agricultural work in the US is often seasonal in nature and as such, the labor requirements can vary based on time of the year. At the same time, the work done by farm laborers often benefits from some level of experience which may be challenging for most Americans to fulfil given the nature of the work. As such, we often turn to international workers who are both skilled in the work required and available for short bursts (i.e. seasonal). The H2A program is a way to facilitate the connection between US farmers and foreign workers for seasonal work within many agricultural production settings (see The dataset provided for this project provides information on H2A requests, pay, hours, work type and sector, as well as other interesting information. In order to make this project a bit more manageable, I have provided to you an excel file with the following tabs:


This data was downloaded by Dr. Sharp earlier this month and while some of the data was eliminated as it did not constitute H2A data or there were data entry errors, this tab is the basis from which all other smaller datasets are generated (using pivot tables)


From the original data, I have created a smaller subset of data that only includes Florida H2A applications.


This data is broken down by sector and sub-sector in agriculture and represents number of workers, average hours, average months of experience and average pay rate by agricultural sector.


This data is broken down by state and again represents workers requested, workers certified, average hourly expectation, average pay, and average experience requirement by state.


This pivot table breaks down worker requirements and pay by pay cycle.


This tab breaks down average pay (hourly only) based on the type of employer who requested the H2A worker. The two types of requestors were labor contractors and individual employers.

Step 2: Write a professional report analyzing H2A Farm Labor in the US and Florida

I.                   (1 points) Professional title page with name, class, date and topic


II.                (4 points) Summary of the dataset, types of statistics provided in the report and important lessons learned from the H2A labor dataset.


III.             (10 points) Discuss whether each of the following variables you work with in your data set is categorical or quantitative and the scale of measure of each:

a.       Sector/Subsector

b.      Workers required/workers certified

c.       Average Hours

d.      Average Months of Experience

e.       Average Pay Rate

f.       State

g.      Pay rate

h.      Employers (H2A contractor or individual employer)


IV.             (5 points) Florida Aggregate—Geographical variation and status

Create a joint probability table using tools in excel. In your FloridaAggregate tab, select all of your data (ctrl + a) àInsert àPivot table. Your row variable should be EMPLOYER_CITY, your columns CASE_STATUS and your sum values NBR_WORKERS_REQUESTED. You should show values as “% of Grand Total.”

Are there any cities (this is a very loose use of the word “cities”) that seem to have more applications than others based on the marginal probabilities? What is the most common determination? What constitutes the highest joint probability. Is that surprising given the marginal probabilities?

Related Questions in statistics category

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