This is an individual assignment, consisting of two parts. First, you have to complete the assignment and submit it on eFundi by the due date.





35% participation contribution

This is an individual assignment, consisting of two parts. First, you have to complete the assignment and submit it on eFundi by the due date. Then, you have to peer review two of your colleagues’ assignments. The assignments to be peer reviewed will be assigned to you via eFundi anonymously.


     Due to the peer review component, NO LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Ensure that your assignments are completed before the due date in order to be prepared for potential problems with submission.

     The peer review process is anonymous. In order to ensure your anonymity, DO NOT include a cover page with your personal details or include your details on the document in any way.

     20% will be deducted from your own mark per peer assessment that you fail to complete.

     Apart from completing the marking scheme when you peer review, you are asked to include two specific comments: A) What did the learner do well in the assignment?, and B) What can they do to improve on the assignment? (Note that you are required to indicate how the assignment can be improved, not what you, according to your opinion, think they think wrongly!). If these specific comments do not appear alongside the marks according to the marking scheme, the assessment will be deemed incomplete and marks will be deducted from your assignment.

     Plagiarism will result in a final mark of 0%.

Answer one of the following questions:

Option 1

In 1971 the well-known Steven Biko wrote the following in an article entitled: The Definition of Black Consciousness: “Black consciousness, therefore, takes cognisance of the deliberateness of God’s plan in creating black people black. It seeks to infuse the black community with a new-found pride in themselves, their efforts, their value systems, their culture, their religion and their outlook to life…”

In an academic essay, evaluate this statement by Biko against the background of African philosophy as epistemological paradigm. End by indicating your own, personal assessment of Biko’s words for the South African education system in the 21st century.

Option 2

In an opinion piece former ANC MP Melanie Verwoerd addressed the Overvaal High School issue, depicting it as an event that placed children second and political battles first. On Minister of Basic Education Angie Motshekga’s intervention into the matter and stopping further protests outside of the school for the “sake of the children”, former MP Verwoerd says: “She is right. No one has the right to use children to fight political battles. They are the innocent ones.” (News 24, 2018)

By making use of critical theory or existentialism, write an academic essay wherein you formulate your own philosophical position from which you address the responsibility of teachers in fostering an education system/environment conducive to the learning and growth of our learners.

Option 3

In 2017 the Basic Education Laws Amendment (BELA) bill was announced, drafted with the aim of amending the South African Schools Act on specific points (Businesstech, 2020). One of amendments suggested is an increased penalty for parents and other people who obstruct learners from attending school, according to Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga a necessitated amendment due to “incidents where communities prevented learners from attending school in an attempt at making a political or other point” (Head, 2020). The penalty amendment for this transgression suggested is a possible prison sentence increased from 6 months to 6 years. Write an argumentative essay wherein you formulate your own philosophical position and evaluate these events related to the education environment. As part of your essay, you have to explain how the different philosophical perspectives might assist us in/prevent us from understanding such an issue and in determining our ethical responsibilities when it comes to matters of education.

Guidelines to answering questions:

·         The question requires you to critically evaluate and compare the concepts connected to the philosophical frameworks that forms part of this module.

·         The assignment requires you to critically evaluate the situation(s) and formulate your own critical arguments – there is therefore no single right answer to be found in a text or on the internet, it is YOUR arguments that are assessed.

·         The questions are mini-essay type questions. This means that it requires you to write out proper answers – statements/claims with thorough arguments supporting them. No lists or tables!

·         All your work must be typed, 1 ½ spacing, Arial / Times New Roman, 11 maximum letter size.

·         Make accurate use of at least 3 sources when answering the questions – provided source material of course included.

·         Copying content directly from sources is considered plagiarism. If plagiarism is detected, your final mark for the assignment will be 0%.

·         Any consulted sources have to be referenced.

·         The assignment should not exceed 700 words (excluding bibliography)

·         The completed assignment has to be uploaded electronically via eFundi (Assignments, not Dropbox)

·         The submission date will be announced on eFundi.

Lecturers: WVOS312, NWU


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