This is an individual work – you must complete your work by yourself only.




1. This is an individual work – you must complete your work by yourself only. 

2. Submission must be uploaded to CANVAS before the end of 4 May 2020. No submission will be accepted after this submission deadline. 

3. Your submission must be in your own hand-writing clearly and neatly. 

4. Write in blue-colour or black-colour on blank or single-line sheets of A4-size. 

5. In your answer to each question, you must provide detailed working steps to show the logical development of the final answer. 

6. The cover page must include all the identification information, namely “AST21115 - Assignment 2”, your Student Identification Number, your Name, your Tutorial Class Code, and the table of page-numbers, as shown in next page. 

7. Your answer to each question must start on a separate page. 

8. The question number must be written at the top of each page. 

9. There must be a page number on each page, including the cover page which must be the page 1. 

10.The answers to the questions must be in ascending order sequence of page numbers, i.e. the cover page on page 1, followed by the answer for question 1 starting on page 2, then followed by the answer for question 2 on the new page following the answer for question 1, and then followed by the answer for question 3 on the new page following the answer for question 2, and so on, until the end of the answer for the last question on the last page; 

11.Take photographic images or scanned images of the cover and all answer pages. 

12.Create a PDF file of all the photographic images or scanned images in ascending order sequence of page numbers, and name the PDF file in the filename format of “your SID – AST21115 Assignment 2”; 

13.Upload the PDF file to the Assignment 2 submission box on CANVAS before the submission deadline (the end of 4 May 2020).

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