This MS Word Informational Document on Internet Fundamentals and Advanced Searching allows students an opportunity to review and highlight the skills that have been covered in the course and explore new learning.



PC & Office Fundamentals PROJECT Instructions

This MS Word Informational Document on Internet Fundamentals and Advanced Searching allows students an opportunity to review and highlight the skills that have been covered in the course and explore new learning. This project will be comprehensive in nature and will serve as a review of many of the Word functions and tasks that have been taught. Developed using this word processing software, the assignment will task students to research and explore Internet concepts and advanced browser searching.  The document must be professionally formatted and free of spelling, punctuation, grammar and spacing errors.

All sources must be current (2017-2021 sources only)

Student must use at least five current sources

ENDNOTES must be used and all research, images, and content used must be sourced.

This is an individual project. You are responsible for making multiple backups of your work!

You must save your file as “Your Names PC & Office” Project.xlsx. You must submit both a Word Doc (.docx) and PDF version of your project


Cover Page Advanced Internet Searching

Table of Contents (as part of the first part of column 1) What are Search Engines and how do they work?

Internet Basics Effective Keyword Searching

What is the Internet Powerful “Use of phrases” Searching

What does the Internet Do Advanced ways to limit your searching using characters and search engine tools

How does Internet Data move? Advanced ways to search within a site

What are the different jobs Computers do on the Internet? Contents Value:  15

A brief History of the Internet (this can be an embedded image) Professionalism (spelling, grammar, organization etc.) Value:  10

Students can choose from

these formats Newsletter Multi-page Report

Length 2 pages plus cover page and endnotes 3 pages plus cover page and endnotes


What must be in your project document: At least three different font sizes using the Style Gallery and/or Text Effects 3 At least three different font sizes using the Style Gallery and/or Text Effects

  At least three different font styles using the Style Gallery and/or Text Effects 3 At least three different font styles using the Style Gallery and/or Text Effects

  At least three different font colors using the Style Gallery and/or Text Effects 3 At least three different font colors using the Style Gallery and/or Text Effects

  At least one column break, continuous section break and page break 3 A least one next page section break, page break and continuous section break

  At least 3 inserted images with 3 different text wrapping options set up 3 At least 3 inserted images with 3 different text wrapping options set up

  At least one image should be cropped 2 At least one image should be cropped

  At least 1 inserted SmartArt At least 1 inserted SmartArt

  At least 3 different alignment changes such as centering, right align, indenting etc. 3 At least 3 different alignment changes such as centering, right align, indenting etc.

  At least one table created with Word – must have non-default 5 At least one table created with Word – must have non-default

  Auto page numbering 3 Auto page numbering

  Header or a Footer with the filename and your name 3 Header or a Footer with the filename and your name

  Margin change from default 2 Margin change from default

  Paragraph border 2 Paragraph border

  Page borders 2 Page borders

  Bullet or numbered list 2 Bullet or numbered list

  Theme other than default Office theme 2 Theme other than default Office theme

  ENDNOTES to sources all research and external images and information. 3 ENDNOTES to sources all research and external images and information.

  Inserted Cover Page from Word Gallery (should be the first page) 2 Inserted Cover Page from Word Gallery (should be the first page)

  Drop caps at the beginning of most paragraphs 3 Drop caps at the beginning of most paragraphs

  At least one inserted textbox with content 3 At least one inserted textbox with content

  At least one page with 2 or 3 columns set up 3 At least one page with 2 or 3 columns set up

  PROJECT TOTAL                 /80

Instruction Files

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