This report aims to understand the influence of social media on student’s beheviour, academic performance and the effects on the physical and mental health.




This report aims to understand the influence of social media on student’s beheviour, academic performance and the effects on the physical and mental health. The research has revealed that there are positive and negative impact of social media on students. The research also aims at understanding how students effectively use social media for study purpose and is the time spent on social media worth the academics. The research is based on descriptive study. The study is limited to students between the age group of 17 to 35. The research was conducted at EIT campus. The students were interviewed in the library and few were interviewed at the cafeteria.

This study also aims at understanding the relation between social media and physical and mental health of the students. The research proves that people who spend more time on social media are less healthy when compared to people who spend less time on social media. Also, from the study it is proved that student’s mental health is affected due to comparison to one and another.

The study investigates the connection between the students and their family and friends. The study also aims at understanding how often the students use social media while with family and friends.













Social Media is considered as a prime agenda for most of the business these days. Most of the organizations and institutions these days use social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn etc., as the key platform in order to spread awareness about their product or service in the minds of the people. (Kaplan, A. M., & Haenlein, M. (2010)).

This research mainly focuses on the impact of social media on student’s beheviour, academic performance and physical and mental health.

Social media plays a huge role in the life of students. There are positive and negative impact of the social media on student’s life. The use of social media has increased drastically over the years among the students. Research has proved that Facebook is the most common social media used by the students in order express their ideas and thoughts. (Sutherland, K., Davis, C., Terton, U., & Visser, I. (2018)). Student’s ideas are taken for granted and goes unnoticed while spoken. Whereas, when a student shares his views on a networking site, it is valued by a large group. This makes a student confident with what they are doing. (Akram, W., & Kumar, R. (2017)). However, excessive use of social media can also reduce the confidence of the students while addressing the people offline. Hence, there must be balance how things are being done.

While conducting a qualitative research the below listed problems were addressed by the students.

·         With the tremendous increase in use of social media (networking, apps, websites etc.) and the increasing number of student users, how does this affect the attitude of the students towards their peer groups and family? (Al-Rahmi, W., & Othman, M. (2013))

·         Does overuse of social media affecting the academic performance of the students?

·         Is social media affecting the mental health of the students? (Al-Rahmi, W., & Othman, M. (2013)).



The main purpose of the study is to understand the impact of social media on student’s academic performance, social beheviour and physical and mental health. The research is based on descriptive study. The study is limited to students between the age group of 17 to 35 (table 1 in appendix represents the students of different age group participated in the face to face interview). In order to understand the impact better, face to face interview was conducted at the EIT campus. This method helped me understand the impact of social media on students among different age groups. The time taken to conduct each interview was around 20 minutes. The responses received were more precise. Also, most of the respondents were quite comfortable answering questions related to internet crime they have faced in the past.

Based on the face to face interview, a questionnaire will be circulated among the target group. Therefore, based on the responses received, statistical tools will be used to analyze the results.


There are few limitations while conducting the face to face interview.

·         Few respondents were not clear about their answers, not very precise.

·         Few respondents were not comfortable sharing their thoughts and experience about the impact in their lives.

·         The process is time consuming – from the interview process to analysing and reporting, the process takes a lot of time and effort.

·         Some respondents were confused with the questions asked to them due to culture difference.



In the 21st century, social media is considered as an important part in most of our lives. The use of social media is increasing day by day all over the world. Mostly, the younger generation is influenced by social media. It is believed that social media is a way to connect with a lot of people in the small world. (Priya, S., et al. (2018)).

Before social media was introduced in the market, the student’s ability was tested by their participation in the student clubs, class participation and many more. Whereas, in the present everything is digital. Students prefer using technology in order to save time. (Sutherland, K., Davis, C., Terton, U., & Visser, I. (2018)). Though social media has made our lives easier, it has also robbed the ability of the people. (Phoon, Andie. (2017)).

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