This semester you will do the physical design, development and implementation of the project. Reports as well as other documentation must be done using a word processor.

computer science


1. General 

Part of the CMPG213 course required of you to plan and design a computerised system. This semester you will do the physical design, development and implementation of the project. Reports as well as other documentation must be done using a word processor.

2. What is required of you? 

You have to complete the project that you have started in CMPG213. The prescribed textbook will give you theoretical guidelines. For example, chapters 9 and 13 refer to process modelling. Chapter 11 shows how costs benefits analysis can be done and how to set up a feasibility matrix when comparing candidate systems. You have to use these techniques in your project. Chapter 12 refers to different design models and introduces process and data models as well as prototypes. These must be done practically as part of your project. Chapter 13 shows how logical models can be converted into physical models – process model, data model and network architecture data flow diagrams. You have to convert the logical models of your project into physical models. Chapter 14 explains database design. You must be able to design the database, normalise the tables and construct the database physically in terms of your project. Chapters 15,16 and 17 discuss prototyping during output design, input design and designing of the user interface. You have to set up prototypes of the input, output and user interface of your system. Use modelling techniques to indicate the dialogue. Chapter 19 explains the construction and implementation phases of a project. You have to do proper testing of specifications and programming code of your system. You have to test the entire system. Chapter 20 discusses maintenance of a system. Chapters 10 and 18 explain the object oriented approach to system analysis and design.

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