This Study Guide is divided into two main sections – the Course Guide and Study Units.



This Study Guide is divided into two main sections – the Course Guide and Study Units. The Course Guide provides a structure for the entire course. As the phrase implies, the Course Guide aims to guide you through the learning experience. In other words, it may be seen as a roadmap through which you are introduced to the different topics within the broader subject. This Guide has been prepared to help you understand the aims and outcomes of the course. In addition, it explains how the various materials and resources are organised and how they may be used, how your learning will be assessed, and how to get help if you need it

To help monitor your study progress, you should pay special attention to your Course Schedule. It contains study unit related activities including assignments, self-evaluations, and examinations. Please refer to the Course Timetable in the Student Portal for the updated Course Schedule. 

2. Course Description and Aims 

This course aims to provide students with key business skills, and problem discovery and solving abilities using various spreadsheet-driven, and industry-derived case studies. It helps students learn spreadsheet features and their systematic applications to solve realworld problems in an interactive, and experiential learning environment. 

In addition, leadership and management concepts (such as planning, organising, controlling, decision-making) as well as the Business Excellence Framework will be discussed. 

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