This study will use qualitative methodology with a descriptive phenomenological design.



NOTE: The meta analysis articles are in NVIVO.  Requesting themeing and analysis.


This study will use qualitative methodology with a descriptive phenomenological design.  The phenomenon’s to be studied are the contributing factors impacting poor academic performance amongst African American students attending predominantly African American high schools in the United States.

To address data collection and analysis, a thematic approach employing the literature review methodology will be examined against the research questions following the Vieira and DeQueirzo (2017) method. Then, the use of validated and reliable NVIVO© software will be utilized for cultivating themes and analysis of this study.

Research Questions

The purpose of this qualitative study is to research and evaluate the prevalence, impact and factors that impact African American students showing poor academic performance in high schools that are predominately comprised of African American students. The phenomenon of poor academic performance amongst African American students for the purpose for this study involves a thorough and comprehensive analysis of the literature. A Hermeneutic method is applied for this study and the following questions are addressed:

Q1. To what degree, if any, does an African American student, attending a predominantly African American high school result in poor academic performance occur?

Q2. To what degree, if any, is poor academic performance influenced by factors specific to inside or outside of the school environment amongst African American students in predominantly African American high schools?

Q3.To what degree, if any, is poor academic performance impact future academic success or failure amongst African American students in predominantly African American high schools?


 Are you able to run the data and provide high level suggestions for the analysis

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