This technical report should be the culmination of good literature review work carried out through using a wide mix of sources: lecture slides, textbooks, industrial standards and guidelines, research papers, and web resources.

computer science



 Individual technical report in about 2000 words 

 Weighting: 50% 

 Deadline for submission: Submit your report to RTE/Google Classroom, by the end of week 11.

This technical report should be the culmination of good literature review work carried out through using a wide mix of sources: lecture slides, textbooks, industrial standards and guidelines, research papers, and web resources. 

It should present the appropriate background on the topic area of interest. It should also present technical content in relative depth looking at all the issues concerned. The report needs an introduction at the beginning and a conclusion at the end. A list of resources referenced and a separate bibliography should be produced in the Harvard/IEEE reference format. 

The key texts indicated in the module specification, specialist journals, and various Web sites, such as Computer Forensics, Cybercrime and Steganography Resources (http://www., Computer Crime Research Centre (, Uniting Forensic Computing Practitioners! (, and The Metasploit Project Web site (http://, etc. provide a good guidance in terms of the report content. 

The technical report is to be based on one of the topics listed below, which link to one or more sections of the module syllabus. 1. Metasploit and its applications in pentest and anti-forensics 2. Data hiding and detection techniques 3. Techniques and tools for elimination of digital evidence 4. The medium and techniques in information hiding 5. Digital watermarking and media signature 6. Covert channel analysis and data hiding in TCP/IP 7. Digital crime evolution and the detections 8. Digital forensic and its legal complications 9. Real-time analytical techniques to detect security events 10. Computer forensics and anti-forensics 

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