This TMA is provided as a pdf file, a lab notebook template and a word template. You should do all the coding work for this TMA in the enclosed notebook template and you should write all your answers to the questions, requested summaries and project repor



TM351 Data Management and Analysis

Spring 2020- TMA


(Cut-off date:  14th April 2020)


1. Preamble:

This section contains general rules and guidelines for completing and submitting your TMA.


1.1  General guidelines


This TMA is provided as a pdf file, a lab notebook template and a word template. You should do all the coding work for this TMA in the enclosed notebook template and you should write all your answers to the questions, requested summaries and project report in the enclosed TMA word template. You will also work through and submit the requested course notebooks as a separate zip file.

The TMA requires that you demonstrate an understanding of course concepts and techniques, including your ability to assess the contents and quality of data and the ability to apply those concepts to sample problems. It also tests your ability to formulate your own research question, investigate it, and report your critical findings. Your tutor will be following a detailed marking scheme, but he or she will particularly look for the following:

1. That all work is your own

2. That you have provided references in the proper format whenever required

3. That you have used the course concepts, terminology and prescribed software


1.2 Using the e-library and other external sources.

When asked to do so, you need to search the e-library and the internet to identify relevant material. In particular, you are urged to use the following sources, all of which are freely available to AOU students:

1. AOU’s subscribed e-library, accessible through the LMS which includes a number of different resources

2. References provided in your course materials

3. Online manual pages for languages, libraries and tools used

4. Help forums and blogs

5. Other resources


1.3 Submitting your TMA

For this TMA, you will be required to submit a compressed directory containing four different items:

1. The coding work required to support your answers all inside the lab notebook template as a sequence of markdown and well commented and solved code cells following each question.

2. Your solved course notebooks in a compressed file.

3. The answers, summaries and conclusions as well as your research report requested in the enclosed TMA word template.

4. Any required data sets in a separate directory named: data 

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