This very popular processing method multiplies all amplitude values in a signal with +1, with the effect that all negative values become positive; all amplitudes below the zero line become positive amplitudes.



EMG Lab- Processing and analysis of EMG data


Instructions for use of Noraxon System



Using Noraxon MR Software

·         Start the program

·         Go to Database and open up the Treadmill Gait demo file

·         Click on the Belt Receiver Tab to view the EMG data

·         Focus on the LT Medial Gastroc and do the following processing. 


EMG Processing


This very popular processing method multiplies all amplitude values in a signal with +1, with the effect that all negative values become positive; all amplitudes below the zero line become positive amplitudes. The purpose of this operation is to achieve positive amplitude curves that allow you to calculate parameters like mean amplitude, area under the curve, etc.

-       Run a full wave rectification of the channel



Typically, for amplitude based calculations and analysis, the raw EMG is smoothed by digital filters, root mean squares or moving average algorithms. The effect is that non-reproducible EMG spikes are eliminated and the mean trend of the EMG innervation is used.


The following smoothing Algorithms are supported:

RMS - Root Mean Square

Mean - the moving average

Mean absolute - the moving average with combined rectification

Window: allows you to define the millisecond-based window for each algorithm.


Markers will be used by the software to define the periods for analysis.  You can either do this by hand or through automation.  Make sure you define your periods before you run the reports. 



See the manual for information on reports but the Standard Amplitude Analysis under Myomuscle master should be sufficient.  

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