This week we will take a closer look at how companies can better understand how their marketing efforts perform by understanding how users behave when visiting their sites. Complete the following assignment:



This week we will take a closer look at how companies can better understand how their marketing efforts perform by understanding how users behave when visiting their sites. Complete the following assignment: Using a website with which you are familiar, develop a scenario that tells the story of how one user segment would behave on a visit to the site. For example, if you chose Barnes and Noble's website, you might create a scenario that describes how parents of young children might behave, and what choices they might make, when they use the site. When you are satisfied that your scenario represents behavior of one segment adequately, identify the metrics that would be useful to determine whether or not that segment’s needs are being met and if the customer experience for the segment is satisfactory. Your completed assignment should be at least 1 page Thanks

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