Tic-Tac-Toe is a board game that is very popular with kids. Typically, this game is played using a 3 X 3 board.

computer science


Tic-Tac-Toe is a board game that is very popular with kids. Typically, this game is played using a 3 X 3 board. Each player chooses a symbol – usually an ‘X’ or an ‘O’ and tries to be the first one to place 3 of his / her symbol in a straight line. This straight line could be horizontal (straight across a row), vertical (straight across a column), diagonal from left corner to the right corner or diagonal from right corner to the left. You may refer to Wikipedia to learn more about the game.

In this assignment, given the main and one function definition (see givenA2.c), you are asked to write several other functions that make up this game. Prototypes and description of these functions is given in the following pages. /!\ Note that an empty cell is represented by a ‘?’ on the board. The game is played between a player and the computer. /!\ Note that in this game (1) the player always goes first and (2) Player’s symbol is ‘X’ and the computer’s symbol is ‘O’. It is important to understand the details of each function - this will guide you in coding the others. 

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