To accomplish this project you will need the Point class. I supplied you with Point.class, which is the Byte Code version of

computer science


To accomplish this project you will need the Point class.  I supplied you with Point.class, which is the Byte Code version of 


Steps to get the Point class working with your Project: 



1)   Download Point.class

2)   You need to create a new folder named proj3File, anywhere you want and place Point.class in that folder.

3)   Go to NETBEANs

4)   RIGHT CLICK on your project.

5)   Go to properties

6)   A new window should appear.  On the left, click on Libraries.

7)   Then on the right, click on Add JAR/Folder

8)   Find the proj3File folder you created earlier and press open.

9)   Then press ok.

Everything should be ready to go.


10)  Create a file named, where LastName is YOUR Last Name.

11)  You should declare and instantiate a Point object by using 1 of the 2 Constructors below. 

                You can type

                Point x = new Point(); //This calls the Default Point Constructor


                Point x = new Point(3,2);  //This calls the parameterized Point constructor which allows you to make any point you want.


12)  System.out.println() your point to make sure that it is working.  If you see the point then it is working.

13)  You can delete the 2 lines you just wrote and start the project.


Point Class API


This class represents a Point on the xy coordiate plane (x, y).  I chose to make x and y doubles in case you want to use the Midpoint formula in your proofs.

Constructor Summary


default Point Constructor the constructor initializes the newly created Point by setting it to the point (5.0, 5.0)

Point(double x, double y)

parameterized Point constructor the constructor initialize the x-coordinate to x and the y-coordinate to y



Method Summary


public boolean

equals(Point anotherPoint)

equals -- this method returns true if this Point is equal to anotherPoint, otherwise it returns false

public double


getX method -- this method returns the x-coordinate of a Point

public double


getY method -- this method returns the y-coordinate of a Point

public String


toString method -- this method returns the state of the Point object

Method Detail


public String toString()

toString method -- this method returns the state of the Point object


toString in class java.lang.Object


a String in the format of (x, y)


public double getX()

getX method -- this method returns the x-coordinate of a Point


the x-coordinate of a Point


public double getY()

getY method -- this method returns the y-coordinate of a Point


the y-coordinate of a Point


public boolean equals(Point anotherPoint)

equals -- this method returns true if this Point is equal to anotherPoint, otherwise it returns false


anotherPoint - a point to compare this Point to


true if the Points are equal, false otherwise

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