To create a software application using Semantic Data Technologies (i.e. a data model using an ontology,

computer science


Assessment Description: One report and application on CD


To create a software application using Semantic Data Technologies (i.e. a data model using an ontology, a dataset using RDF/RDFS and an application interface that runs SPARQL queries at the back-end and executes results in human readable format).

Concept / Aim (10%)

You can choose any idea for the application considering if the application area is a suitable one for a semantic-based application? Are the aims both useful and achievable? e.g. an application where users can search or filter some data using search controls (like text fields, checkboxes and radio buttons).

Design (30%)

Use of RDF, RDF schema and Ontology design. You are encouraged to use existing RDF schema and Ontologies but will be assessed on your added value. This may be focused on creating your own, or extending/specialising existing frameworks, or using these in a knowledge-based application.

Implementation (20%)

Implementing a graphical user interface that will utilise the semantic dataset created in the Design phase (as explained above). You can use any programming language to implement the interface e.g. PHP. The interface should be executing at least 4-6 SPARQL queries.

Evaluation and Use (20%)

SPARQL queries to show how your system works. You should consider providing at least five different queries to show the use of the semantic concepts for your chosen application. Please provide queries with the screenshots for the results (either run on Protégé or your SPARQL end-point). These queries may include the queries from the step above (implementation).

Critical reflection (10%)

Compare your application with alternative approaches that use semantic information as well as those that do not. You can consider the intended outcome for your application as well as the actual final result.

Demonstration (10%)

You will be asked to demonstrate your application in the last week of the semester. At this level, we assume good quality presentation i.e. proper use of English, visual effect of the presentation, content, depth of knowledge and handling of questions.


As explained in the document of my assignment I am looking for the program and all its details mentioned and its documentation

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