To demonstrate the skills and concepts you have learned this semester, you will create a multimedia presentation based on your researched analytical essay



To demonstrate the skills and concepts you have learned this semester, you will create a multimedia presentation based on your researched analytical essay.

To begin, read Chapters 20, 41, and 42 in How To Write Anything. Next, consider how to put your analysis and evidence into an interesting presentation. This should not be simply reading your essay or putting your essay onto slides. You will need to distill your information into its most important points and build your presentation around those.

Since this is an online class, you will need to use technology to complete this assignment, and you will post your presentation (or a link) on a discussion board so that your peers can view it. You can take the traditional PowerPoint route, or you can create a video using other programs, such as PhotoStory, Movie Maker, or Adobe Spark (really easy—even I can use it). You might even consider formatting your presentation like a TedTalk! Regardless of medium, you will need to include both visuals and audio.

An exemplary presentation will consist of:

·         Engaging introduction

o   Should establish the relevance of the topic to your audience

·         Tone appropriate to your audience

·         Content

o   Quickly and clearly establishes the topic

o   Background on the topic is included

o   Topic is developed in-depth with specific details and examples

o   Organized

o   Insightful

o   Draws conclusions

o   Includes attribution during the presentation and a Works Cited at the end

·         Use of appeals and other strategies

o   Establishes your credibility (ethos)

o   Logos is prevalent

o   Controlled use of emotional appeals (pathos)

o   May use analogy, diction, repetition, etc.

·         Visuals (refer to your textbook and the resources in this module for ideas)

o   Easy to read

o   Visuals are relevant and add to your message (not just for show)

o   Include at least one graph, chart, or table (especially useful for presenting numerical and statistical data)

·         Audio

o   Voiceover explains the slides or video in more detail

o   Clear and easy to hear

·         Evidence of professionalism

o   Free of typos and grammatical errors

o   Does not merely read the slides, but rather uses the visuals to illustrate key points while the audio adds the details.


NOTE:  Occasionally, a student posts the wrong file or a link does not work. If this happens, I try to contact you via email. Please check your email frequently until you see a grade posted in the final exam column. If I cannot reach you, your final exam grade will unfortunately be a 0.

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