To investigate the axial forces, stresses and strains in the structural framework by experiments.



1 Objectives 1. 

To investigate the axial forces, stresses and strains in the structural framework by experiments.

2 Experimental Apparatus 

The structural framework made from stainless steel member is available at the Solid Mechanics Lab QB 1.05a. A sketch of the configuration, boundary conditions and loading is shown in Figure 1. Laboratory technical staff will be available during each session to assist you for performing experiments. At the end of the lab session, you should have measured the axial strains in each structural member for the applied load of 500N. Compile your experimental results as shown in Table 1. You should submit the signed lab sheet along with the final report. Failure to submit the signed lab sheet will result in losing the marks correspond to the experimental section of this coursework. Refer manufacture guide to learn more about the structural assembly, strain and force measuring system.

Each structural truss member is equipped with strain gauge to measure strains during the experiments. The strain gauges are connected to strain display indicator. Figure 1 shows the corresponding member strain for each numbered channel in the strain display indicator. Note strains are measured in microstrain (µǫ). First record strain for each member at no load, then apply downward force of 500N by turning the loading screw in clockwise direction. Wait for 60s and then record the strain in each member again. You need to rotate the knob in the strain indicator to display strain in each channel.

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