To obtain full credit for participation in this discussion you must apply the concepts of market segmentation and target marketing from Chapter 4 to "shelley castle photography (Links to an external site.)". Be sure to read Chapter 4 before you po



To obtain full credit for participation in this discussion you must apply the concepts of market segmentation and target marketing from Chapter 4 to "shelley castle photography (Links to an external site.)". Be sure to read Chapter 4 before you post.

Your objective is to understand the primary target market that is the focus of the marketing strategy for shelley castle photography (Links to an external site.).  Explore the website, check out the company's social media outlets, search the internet for news or other sources of information - all the time thinking about one target market and how you would clearly and concisely describe to someone that target market segment.

Before making your initial post, be sure you understand these concepts:

Marketing Strategy (The target market and the marketing mix - or 4 Ps.)

Market Segmentation (Breaking the market into groups of potential customers)

....versus the Target Market (One homogeneous group of customers to which we will appeal with our marketing mix - or 4 Ps)

Ready? First note.....The answers to each of the bullet points below should be one short, concise and clear paragraph.

INITIAL POST: Address these topics and questions in your initial post:

  • DESCRIBE THE TARGET MARKET for shelley castle photography (Links to an external site.) (Use the segmenting dimensions in Exhibit 4-8 on page 98 to describe the targeted market segment.)
  • EXPLAIN THE MARKETING MIX. How is the marketing mix strategy of shelley castle photography tailored to meet the needs of this particular target market?
  • REFLECTION. What is your opinion about the future success of shelley castle photography? Why?

Need two copies.

Need it by Friday

No word limits but question should be well answered.

Answer should be related to the Business infroamtion system

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