To receive credit for Nursing 434: Community Health Promotion students must complete all of the required assignments and achieve an overall composite grade of 64% (C). All papers submitted must follow APA Publication Manual, 6th. edition (2010).




To receive credit for Nursing 434: Community Health Promotion students must complete all of the required assignments and achieve an overall composite grade of 64% (C). All papers submitted must follow APA Publication Manual, 6th. edition (2010).

*Refer to the course Schedule for a systematic approach to completing study guide units and assignments.

The assignments and weighting of the composite grade are as follows:


Assignment 1: Concept Map: Community Health Promotion - Application to Your Practice


Assignment 2: Application of Epidemiology in Community Health Nursing


Assignment 3: Community Assessment and Diagnoses


Assignment 4: Development of a Community Health Promotion Program



Optional Project: Finding a Study Buddy (5%)

Due Date: Negotiable, however, it is recommended that if you wish to find a Study Buddy you do so early in your course contract.


The purpose of this optional project is to provide you with an opportunity to work online with another individual or individuals currently in the course, to share knowledge, resources, and skills, motivate each other, discuss learning activities and assignments and assist each other in meeting individual learning goals and outcomes. To receive this additional 5% you will be required to create a forum post seeking a study buddy and write a brief summary of your experience in finding and working with a study buddy at the completion of the course.

Optional Project Guidelines

The study buddy approach has been found to improve learning through social interaction, motivate study and promote a deeper approach to critical inquiry and reasoning in relation to concepts. (Madland & Richards, 2016)

If you decide to participate in this optional project you may find it helpful to include information such as an honest evaluation as to your knowledge of community health promotion, preferred language, preferred time i.e., morning, afternoon, evening, night including time zone to study and discuss, and your learning goals for completing the course in your study buddy request forum post.

Yes, you can have more than one study buddy, however if you are creating a study buddy group be careful not to let the group become too large, recommended is not more than 5 people in order to be able to set study schedules and times when you will communicate.  Remember a study buddy relationship is a professional partnership, entered to share workload, meet deadlines, and engage in constructive discussion to enhance learning.

If a study buddy within the classroom is not feasible, you may choose a person outside of the classroom to collaborate with in development of knowledge, resources and skills specific to individual learning goals and outcomes.

Marking Criteria

You will receive an additional 5% toward your overall Assignment 1 grade, if you complete the following:

  1. post your request for a Study Buddy to the Finding a NURS434 Study Buddy forum (If you are not able to connect with a Study Buddy within the course you may reach outside the course to find a Study Buddy, if your Study Buddy is not a classmate please work to maintain course confidentiality in your discussions with your Study Buddy) and;
  2. submit a copy of the request with a brief 1 to 2 page summary that discusses, I found working with a study buddy to be helpful why or why not and if I could do this again I would make the following changes why or why not?
    NOTE: Submit to the Assignment 1: Dropbox at the same time you submit all the final requirements of the Assignment 1 Concept Map: Community Health Promotion – Application to Your Practice

If you are interested in reading further the full reference is:

Madland, C., & Richards, G. (2016). Enhancing student-student online interaction: Exploring the study buddy peer review activity. International review of research in open and distributed learning 17(3), 157-175. Retrieved from

Required Assignments

Assignment 1: Concept Map: Community Health Promotion - Application to Your Practice | Value 30%

Due Date: Negotiable, however, it is recommended that you complete Section I: Units 1-4 and Section II: Unit 5 prior to your first submission and both Sections I and II: Units 1-7 including all other assignments prior to your final submission.


The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with the opportunity to demonstrate having met the course learning outcomes through the creation of your personal concept map of community health promotion, while examining and articulating how you apply a variety of those concepts in your current nursing practice setting. This will be a progressive assignment that you begin to work on during week one of the course. You may find it helpful to email your instructor early on to share the community as client focus you have chosen with a brief description of why. You will submit your work twice: once following completion of Section 1 and then again as your final assignment, to demonstrate evidence of your overall learning.

Assignment Guidelines

Concept maps are visual tools used to support learners in demonstrating relationships, connections and processes between concepts and ideas about a central subject (Harrison & Gibbons, 2013). You as a learner will have the opportunity to draw from existing knowledge, identify knowledge gaps and make learning meaningful to you through concept mapping (Fitzgerald, n.d.). Often in nursing concept maps the central node is the client and the arcs link to outlying nodes about the client. In this assignment the central node must be the community as the client.  First you will develop a comprehensive community health promotion concept map and then select 4 community health concepts that stand out in relation to your community client for in depth discussion in a scholarly paper.

Community health nursing is not limited to any one place or unit instead it can be found practiced anywhere and with anyone if the practitioner so chooses. The following resources are not meant as an exhaustive list but instead provide some opportunity to explore trends and issues that you may find to be both intriguing and relevant to your current nursing practice. Consider these topics as examples of how a nurse might identify a community of interest. Careful choice of your group is important as all course assignments can potentially be developed around this population or group.

Alzheimers Society of Canada:

Fentanyl Crisis

Food Insecurity

Public Health Agency of Canada

Reconciliation Canada

Concept maps are common in nursing practice, the following concept map is an example of an individual client in acute care, note how the client is central with the arcs identifying relationships to a variety of nodes specific to this clients health.

Acute Care Concept Map Sample

You can also find a variety of concept maps by searching the internet. You may choose to use any form. Remember that whatever you choose it must be electronically developed and contain clearly developed nodes and arcs.  Consider that you will want to add to your map as you are introduced to the many aspects of community health promotion.

If you are not familiar with developing a concept map you may find the following resources helpful:

Athabasca University Tool Cupboard, Concept Mapping located at

Novak, J.D. (2008). Concept maps: What the heck is this? Located at 

Or you may want to search your own resources by entering into your browser search terms such as, concept mapping public health, concept mapping community nursing, concept mapping nursing education. If you are a visual learner be certain to select Videos.

If you are interested in reading further the full references are:

Fitzgerald, P. Concept Mapping: A GPS for Patient Care in Various Health Care Environments. Retrieved from

Harrison, S., & Gibbons, C. (2013). Nursing Student Perceptions of Concept Maps: From Theory to Practice. Nursing Education Perspectives (National League For Nursing), 34(6), 395-399. doi:10.5480/10-465

Novak, J. D. & A. J. Cañas.  (2008). The Theory Underlying Concept Maps and How to Construct Them. Technical Report IHMC CmapTools. Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition. Retrieved from

Marking Criteria

Concept Map (15/30)

  • Multiple nodes of community health concepts are included.
  • Distinct, concise, descriptive terms of linking relationships/arcs are evident.
  • Progression from first submission to second submission demonstrates a greater depth of understanding of community health promotion. 
  • Contained in a single page

Scholarly Paper (15/30)

  • Setting and chosen community are clearly articulated.
  • A minimum of 4 community health concepts/outlying nodes are selected for in depth discussion. This discussion should include, but is not limited to answering the question how is each concept demonstrated/applied/analyzed in relation to the issue or trend that you have chosen in your community?
  • Role of the nurse and evidenced based nursing practice are clearly articulated in relation to each of the 4 community health concepts
  • Ability to analyze, evaluate, create, and engage in critical inquiry is evident throughout.
  • Adheres to APA (6th. ed.) scholarly format - limit of 6 pages (excluding title and reference pages)

Assignment 1a: First Submission, Concept Map only via the Assignment 1a Dropbox. Your tutor will provide formative feedback (a pass/fail mark will be given with this submission)
Assignment 1b: Second Submission, Concept Map & Scholarly paper via the Assignment 1b Dropbox.

Note: If you chose to complete the optional project Finding a Study Buddy be sure to submit your work at the same time you submit your second submission to the Assignment 1b Dropbox.

Assignment 2: Application of Epidemiology in Community Health Nursing | Value 20%

Due Date: Negotiable, however, it is recommended that you work through Section I: Units 1-3 prior to completing work on this assignment.


The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate utilization of epidemiology research related to the health of the community, while facilitating your partial achievement of the following course learning outcomes:

  • apply principles of primary health care, strategies of health promotion, and epidemiology concepts in working with individuals, families, groups, communities, populations, and systems;
  • develop research questions that remain unanswered both in your personal learning and in the profession of community health nursing; and
  • apply community health knowledge and theory to your own nursing practice consistent with the Practice Standards for Regulated Members (College & Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta, 2013) and the Canadian Community Health Nursing Professional Practice Model & Standards of Practice (Community Health Nurses of Canada, 2011).

Assignment Guidelines

Determine a specific population that you would like to have more information about (ideally this will be the same population chosen for assignment 1 and the one you anticipate to use for assignment 3 and 4). Then, utilizing the Athabasca University Library Databases conduct a search of the epidemiology literature and select one research study related to your specific population for critique. Your work will achieve the maximum value/grade if it is succinct and insightful and clearly shows how you have applied the theory learned to a practical situation.

When submitting in the assignment dropbox include a copy of the article in PDF along with your completed assignment.

Your critique should include, but is not limited to the following:

  • What type of study design is it? Provide rationale.
  • Are the findings reported consistent with information/knowledge that you have? Do the reported relationships make sense?
  • If reported, how strong is the observed association?
  • Would you incorporate the findings of this study into your community health nursing practice (i.e., the health promotion program that you are planning) or recommend this study to others? Provide rationale.
  • What further research question(s) would you develop in relation to this study and/or your observations?

Marking Criteria

  • Each element of the assignment guidelines is addressed.
  • Ability to analyze, evaluate, create, and engage in critical inquiry is evident throughout.
  • Adheres to APA (6th ed.) scholarly format - limit of 5 pages (excluding title, reference, and appendix pages).

Submit your completed assignment and PDF copy research article to your tutor via the Assignment 2 Dropbox on the course home page.

Assignment 3: Community Assessment and Diagnosis | Value 25%

Due Date: Negotiable, however, it is recommended that you work through Section I, Units 1-4, and Section II, Unit 5 and Unit 6 prior to completing work on this assignment.


The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to conduct a partial community assessment and to diagnose areas of need for health promotion related to an identified population, while facilitating your partial achievement of the course learning outcomes.

Assignment Guidelines

  • Clearly identify and provide rationale for the selected population/group you have chosen  (include demographic and epidemiologic data, as appropriate) for the partial community assessment.
  • Discuss assessment methods used or assessment methods to be used as follows:
    • If using the Population Health Promotion Model, provide the rationale for your choice, select 3 determinants of health, and complete an assessment in relation to the group.
    • If using the Canadian Community-as-Partner Model, provide the rationale for your choice, select 3 segments from the community assessment wheel, and complete an assessment in relation to the group.
  • Present and complete an analysis of the assessment data of the group using the chosen community assessment model in narrative form, point form, or as appendices. Ensure concise analysis of the assessment data and clearly identify gaps in the data.
  • Identify and provide rationale for the community diagnosis (define if it is a wellness or deficit diagnosis) supported by the analysis of the assessment data for the group.

Marking Criteria

  • Each element of the assignment guidelines is addressed.
  • Ability to analyze, evaluate, create, and engage in critical inquiry is evident throughout.
  • Adheres to APA (6th ed.) scholarly format - limit of 8 pages (excluding title, reference, and appendix pages).

Submit your completed assignment to your tutor via the Assignment 3 Dropbox on the course home page.

Assignment 4: Development of a Community Health Promotion Program | Value 25%

Due Date: Negotiable, however, it is recommended that you work through both Sections I and II, prior to completing work on this assignment.


The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to develop a health promotion program and relate strategies of community planning, implementation and evaluation to the community diagnosis identified in Assignment 3, while facilitating your partial achievement of the course learning outcomes. Please note you are not expected to carry out the health promotion program that you develop.

Assignment Guidelines

  • Develop an outline for a health promotion program to meet the identified community diagnosis (include goals and objectives). Provide the rationale for the identified need, goals, and objectives for the program.
    Hint: Consider using a program logic model format (as an appendix) to present the data.  
  • Incorporate health promotion approaches (Table 18.1, p.262 in Vollmann et al., 2017) using one of the following options:
    • Compare and contrast the strengths and limitations of two health promotion approaches to influence change and promote health within a community, which need to be considered in the assessing, planning, implementation, and evaluation phases of a health promotion program.
    •                             Or
    • Option two: Consider how two health promotion approaches can be incorporated into influencing changes, and promoting health within a community. Discuss the strengths and limitations of these approaches in the assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation phase of a health promotion program.
  • Critically analyze the role of the community health nurse in relation to the two identified approaches and in relation to the planned health promotion program.

Marking Criteria

  • Each element of the assignment guidelines is addressed.
  • Ability to analyze, evaluate, create, and engage in critical inquiry is evident throughout.
  • Adheres to APA (6th ed.) scholarly format - limit of 8 pages (excluding title, reference, and appendix pages).

Submit your completed assignment to your tutor via the Assignment 4 Dropbox on the course home page.

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