To successfully complete this concept video, be sure to give a detailed overview of the important components and ideas; imagine the person who is watching it is unfamiliar with this material



To create your concept video, you will pick one of the concepts or theories that you have learned and “teach it” in a creative way. The video format can really be anything you like, and I encourage you to be creative! However, to get you thinking and give you some options to consider, I have created a list of some ideas here:

• Conduct an interview (In-person or virtually) 

• Act out a scripted vignette (Create a scene or scenario to demonstrate your concept) 

• Document a personal narrative (Documentary style, or with visual imagery) 

• Create a stock video/photo video with captions and/ or a voiceover (Documentary style, Visual Art piece) 

• Teach a mini lesson (PowerPoint, virtual whiteboard/blackboard, and/or recording of you) 

To successfully complete this concept video, be sure to give a detailed overview of the important components and ideas; imagine the person who is watching it is unfamiliar with this material. In addition, be sure to create and/or make reference to a real-world example. Your video should be approximately 3-5 minutes long. The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate that you have a comprehensive understanding of the topic and portray it in a creative and interesting way. Please carefully review the rubric below before completing your project.

The concept video is due Monday July 27th by 5:00PM (EDT). You will upload your video to YouTube, setting the post to “unlisted” (this will enable your video to be viewable, but it will not come up in any search results or on your channel). YouTube resources and instructions will be posted in the Video Assignment folder in the Resources tab for those who are unfamiliar. You will submit your video link in the Video Assignment task on OWL, found in the Assignment tab. I recommend you start thinking about your topic choice and how you’d like to develop your video as early as possible. Even if we haven’t covered all course material, you are welcome to look ahead as chapter readings are always available to you and you can always search topics in MindTap online textbook. Also, even without a topic in mind yet, I encourage you to start investigating platforms and tools that will help you create your video as early as possible – especially if you have never done this before! I have listed some resources in the Video Assignment folder in the Resources tab to help you get started, but you are welcome to use any tools, platforms, or software that you wish to create your video.  

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