Term Paper:Topic Accounting Fraud
paper, you should use the Term Paper Template which includes (in APA format): a cover page, table of contents, an executive summary, introduction, review of the literature, analysis and recommendations, summary and conclusion, appendix (if you want to include items in an appendix) and references. Appropriate headings should be used to designate the various sections of the paper. The paper should be in the range of a minimum of 15 pages, double-spaced, and 10-12 point fonts. The page count is of the content and, thus does not include the cover page, table of contents, appendix or exhibits, or references.
References are very important. At least five-to-eight references are required for the Week 7 paper. Anonymous authors or web pages are not acceptable. At least three of those sources used should be from academic journals and/or professional publications. All sources should be current within the past 18 to 24 months from the Keller library. All references should be cited within the body of your work and listed on the last page of your term paper in a section titled "References.
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Please do financial statement fraud. In general fraud would be too broad.
his section provides easy access to all of the web resources that support the content presented in this project.
Securities and Exchange Commission
Regulatory requirements and information for publicly traded companies.
National Human Resources Association
Professional trade organization for human resource professionals.
Internal Revenue Service
Income tax regulations for businesses.
The American Institute of Public Accountants (“AICPA”)
Professional organization of certified public accountants.
Financial Accounting Standards Board ("FASB")
Accounting and financial reporting standards-setting body for the private sector and federal government.
Helpful site for employee benefits information.
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (“PCAOB”)
Nonprofit organization that monitors/oversees audits of publicly traded companies for compliance with SOX.
Journal of Accountancy
Accounting trade journal of the AICPA.
The Sarbanes-Oxley ACT (SOX) of 2002
“Spotlight on Sarbanes-Oxley Rulemaking and Reports”; relates to the early rule making on SOX, and thus a person should also see the “Spotlight On: Implementation of Internal Control Reporting Provisions.”
Business Search Engine
Website for accessing articles, books, and other information relevant to business.
Export-I Import Bank
Import-Export Bank of the United States.
International Monetary Fund
Financial, monetary, and banking information about the countries at the website.
EDGAR - Electronic Data Gathering and Retrieval
SEC website for accessing reports submitted by publicly traded companies.
DeVry Library Services
DeVry Library Services
Government Accounting Standards Board
Government Accounting Standards Board
International Accounting Standards Board
International Accounting Standards Board
American Accounting Association
American Accounting Association
Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
International Federation of Accountants
International Federation of Accountants
Institute of Management Accountants
Institute of Management Accountants
National Association of State Boards of Accountancy
National Association of State Boards of Accountancy
A service of the library of Congress originally intended to make federal legislative information freely available to the public. Other Congressional and government information is now also available via this site.
Hoovers Company Database
Hoovers Company Database
Association of Government Accountants ("AGA")
AGA Website
A service of Morningstar. Part of the site is free to the public and other services are available to subscribers. The site offers select analysis of filings with the SEC.
Government Finance Officers Association
Government Finance Officers Association
Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board ("FASAB")
FASAB Website
AICPA Horizons 2025 Report
The AICPA’s vision of the future of the CPA profession for the next 15 years.
United States Department of Treasury
United States Department of Treasury
Database that includes Revenue Rulings
Database that includes Revenue Rulings
Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA)
Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA)
US Tax Court
U.S. Tax Court
Electronic Code of Federal Regulations
Electronic Code of Federal Regulations
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