Treatment Plan Cognitive Behavioural Theory



The final paper requires you to write an assessment and treatment plan, based on

clinical integration of the material in the course (see specifics below), utilizing your

preferred theoretical approach (selected from the course readings and assignments),

as it applies to a fictional character(s) taken from popular fairy tales, cartoons,

plays, books, movies or television shows. If you wish to describe a couple or family,

you may take multiple characters from the same story.

An example might be: Write a research based assessment and treatment plan for

“Snow White” using cognitive-behavioral theory, following the details of the Disney

fairy tale.


You must identify the fictional character(s) you are using and base your paper

on the actual story line of the fictional story.


Describe your theoretical approach including the following points:

a. How does your theory help to explain your fictional character's presenting

problems (i.e., diagnosis) and their etiology (i.e., how those problems came to be)?

b. What are the central goals of your theory's approach to therapy with this fictional


c. What specific therapeutic techniques would your theory recommend for using in

treatment with your character? In other words, how would you work with this


d. Finally, on a more personal level, how does the theory you've chosen fit with your

own values and beliefs?




  Your paper must be written in APA Format including a Running Head, Title

Page and Reference Page.

  Your paper should be carefully proof read and corrections should be made

before you submit it for grading.

 Use 3 to 5 references taken from scholarly journals (online or hard copy)

on your selected theory. Be sure to use citations by APA Format for

paraphrased or directly quoted material.

  Your paper must be 6-8 pages long plus a title and reference page, doubled spaced

with appropriate margins and paragraphing.

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