Trends in consumer purchasing are continually changing. It is imperative that any firm evaluate and align promotional efforts with the intended target audience. There are 7 consumer buying trends described in the text. In your own words for each trend: De



Trends in consumer purchasing are continually changing. It is imperative that any firm evaluate and align promotional efforts with the intended target audience. There are 7 consumer buying trends described in the text. In your own words for each trend: Describe and explain the trend. Provide an example or illustration of how the trend has changed over time. Explain the importance of considering these trends while developing a promotional plan. Explain the implications of misunderstanding the trends when developing the IMC model. Provide 1 example of a company that has modified their advertising and promotions to appeal to a changing trend, describing the “before” and “after.” Your essay must be at least 1,000 words and contain a minimum of 5 scholarly sources with a title page and reference page. Current APA format must be used. Additional Requirements

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