Understand how stack registers are manipulated during program execution

computer science


Project 1 - Part 2: 

Stack Buffer Exploit


The goals of this project:

·         Execute a stack buffer overflow exploit

·         Understand how stack buffer overflows work 

·         Understand how stack registers are manipulated during program execution


The final deliverables:

The submitted paper must adhere to the following format

·         Written answers to each individual question are limited to a maximum of 200 words 

·         Font: Times New Roman, Size 11.

·         Spacing: Single Spaced with standard 1” margins

·         Heading: gt_user_id above page number. (Remove gburdell27 and put your own)

·         Format: pdf


The following must be submitted to the Module: Project 1 - Part 2: Stack Buffer Exploit

·         Submission name format: gt_user_id_data.txt

    • Example: gburdell27_data.txt


The following must be submitted to the Module: Project 1 - Part 2: Exploit Explanation

·         Submission name format: gt_user_id_explanation.pdf

    • Example: gburdell27_explanation.pdf




Plagiarism will not be tolerated! For information: GaTech Academic Honor Code.

·Papers will be run through TurnItIn.com, as well as other plagiarism detectors.

o    If it is deemed that more than 10% of the information contained in the paper was not properly cited, you will be reported to GaTech Office of Student Integrity.

·Papers must be cited in IEEE format.

Note: Even if you cite a source, you are not allowed to submit a paper consisting of copy and pasted fragments. You must show understanding and summarize in your own words. (You must cite paraphrasing)

·         You MUST use the latest version of VirtualBox, downloaded from: VirtualBox

·         GDB command cheat sheet: Cheat Sheet


Submission Deadline:

There will be no late projects accepted. The deadline will be set to 11:59pm EST. in canvas. Be sure to turn in your work prior to the deadline in canvas. In prior semesters, students have had issues turning things into canvas at 11:50-11:59pm on the due date. BE SURE to turn in your work prior to this time. No late submissions will be accepted. A general piece of advice is to turn in your work a few hours early, continue working on it, and turn it in again nearer the deadline. It is better to get some points for incomplete work than no points for no work. This rule is set in stone. There will be no granted extensions unless they have been granted through the Office of the Dean of Students.

Project Tasks (25 points): 


Download, Compile, and Run:

  • Download exploit.c from here.
  • Download the example_data.txt from here
  • Compile with: gcc exploit.c -o exploit -fno-stack-protector
  • Run with the following: ./exploit example_data.txt

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