Understand how to organise and apply information in their academic writing.



Assignment Brief TA1

Unit Title:

Academic Writing Skills



Level 3

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1.     Be able to interpret specific questions.

2.     Be able to structure a written response.

3.     Be able to present the response appropriately for audience and purpose

4.     Understand how to organise and apply information in their academic writing.












Unit Assessment Criteria Applied to Assignment

Number of assignments to this unit: One

Number of tasks: 3

Multiple Choice Quiz/Essay/Written Description

Page No. where you have covered the assessment criteria

Assessment Criterion:


Please also indicate where you have covered the assessment criteria in your actual submission.


1.1           Interpret at least two different assignment briefs or essay titles considering the following:

a)    Instructional words (e.g. demonstrate, evaluate, summarise, review, estimate)

b)   Topic words (e.g. key words/concepts).

c)    Any particular focus required.

d)   Any additional factors to be considered (e.g. refer to original evidence, conduct independent research).

2.1 Develop and use a plan for a written response

2.2 Demonstrate the development of a structured response which maintains a logical and consistent argument

3.1 Demonstrate the use of academic conventions:

a)   Use of English language (e.g. formal, concise, accurate, explicit, objective).

b)  Use of appropriate terminology

4.1 Demonstrate the use of an appropriate referencing style for citations and reference lists in their academic work (e.g. Harvard, APA, Chicago)

4.2 Explain the concept of academic integrity and identify the consequences of malpractice.


Throughout the course you are expected to develop the following study skills:

Grade Descriptors

1.Understanding the Subject: Where students are asked to demonstrate their understanding of the relevant knowledge base.

2.Application of Knowledge: Where students are expected to make use of relevant ideas and facts.

3.Application of Skills: Where students use skills, techniques and methods as appropriate to the assessment task.

4.Use of Information: Where students are expected to identify new information from the relevant sources and make use of additional information, showing a grasp of the meaning and significance of what has been found out.

5.Communication and Presentation:  Where students are expected to show a command of language and have the ability to structure answers in a logical format. This also includes the use of an appropriate referencing system.  

6.Autonomy and Independence: Where students are expected to make judgements relating to how to complete work and demonstrate time-management. Where students need guidance it is expected that students will promptly seek clarification and guidance.

7.Quality: Where the overall response to the assignment is considered.

Not all grade descriptors are used for every graded unit. For this unit, examples of grades 4, 5 and 7 are used.

THE FOLLOWING IS ONLY AN EXAMPLE OF HOW YOU WOULD BE GRADED IF GRADE DESCRIPTORS WERE APPLIED. – This is only here to prepare you for graded units and give you some indication of how the grading descriptors work and what grade you are working towards.


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