Undertake A Strategic Marketing Audit, Assessing An Organisation’s Competencies, Competitive Advantage, Market Performance, Customers, Competitors, Product And Service Portfolios, Positioning, Value Proposition And Market Impact.



Business Analysis and Decision Making




Module Code: BADM                                            

Module Leader: Cormac Austin



Assessment Method:


Element 1:     Individual digital case study presentation 25% (equivalent to 1,000 words)


Element 2:     Individual report 75% (3,000 words +/- 10%)



Deadlines:    Element 1: 10 December 2019 (Tues) No later than 4.30pm

                        Element 2: 09 January 2020 (Thur) No later than 4.30pm



Learning Outcomes

1. Undertake a strategic marketing audit, assessing an organisation’s competencies, competitive advantage, market performance, customers, competitors, product and service portfolios, positioning, value proposition and market impact.

2. Utilise a strategic marketing audit to critically evaluate a range of strategic marketing options available to an organisation, including innovation, mergers, acquisitions, partnering, alliances, environmental sustainability and CSR, in order to deliver best value growth and expansion opportunities for the organisation

3. Critically assess the impact of external factors on an organisation and its strategic intent and direction.

4. Utilise a range of financial and other measurement tools to critically assess the financial and non-financial benefits of recommended strategic marketing decisions.

5. Utilise a range of risk assessment tools to critically assess the risk of strategic market decisions and their impact upon an organisation, including financial, corporate and reputational risk.          

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