USA is one among country that had permission in all 50 state give the right to terminate pregency throughout pregency. 32 stated banned on 13 state totally stop and in 19 stated allowed in some situation. Identify the policy

social sciences


Background The USA is one among country that had permission in all 50 state give the right to terminate pregnancy throughout pregnancy. 32 stated banned on 13 states stop and in 19 stated allowed in some situation. Identify the policy In 2003 the Federal Partial abortion act passed by Congress. According to this law abortion in the second trimester of pregnancy is preferable but in to protect the mother health. In this law medical health personnel such as doctors and experts. According to this law compasarly legal document and evidence related to abortion to court. In april 2007, US supreme court finalized this act for a ban on abortion after fetus become viable.

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