Usage of Excel in stochastic/probabilistic Loss calculation – simulation of loss ratios for 2m of water depth caused by Tsunami.





Usage of Excel in stochastic/probabilistic Loss calculation – simulation of loss ratios for 2m of water depth caused by Tsunami.


  1. Go to MS Excel.
  2. Simulate 1,000 realisations from a distribution (mean loss ratio = 55%, standard deviation 20%).
  3. The insured value of a house is 100,000 AUD (single storey masonry). Calculate the loss for each realisation.
  4. Apply a tsunami flood limit of 15,000 AUD to each realisation.
  5. Calculate the mean for loss before (=from ground up [FGU] loss) and after limit application (=gross loss [GR]).
  6. Compare with deterministic approach (no simulation just use mean loss ratio to calculate both FGU and GR loss).



  • Which distribution would you use to simulate the loss ratios and why?
  • Is the loss ratio appropriate for the particular risk (a tree house) a and peril (tsunami)?
  • What is/are the practical effect/s of using probabilistic approach rather than the simple deterministic one? Is there a difference in this/these effect/s between FGU and GR loss?



Please send the Excel file with simulation and answers.

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