Use a single polynomial interpolant to approximate the upper outline of The Shrine. Do this by selecting a number of points on The Shrine and record them as data points for the interpolant.



Use a single polynomial interpolant to approximate the upper outline of The Shrine. Do this by selecting a number of points on The Shrine and record them as data points for the interpolant. Demonstrate the problematic situation which will arise when using the single polynomial interpolant. Recommend a better interpolant and show the improvement achieved.

For importing an external file into MATLAB figure, do



To record the coordinates of selected points on a MATLAB figure, do


Here number_of_points represents the number of points that you want to select in the figure. When you execute the ginput command, MATLAB instantly bring you to the figure where you will see a cross appearing that helps to aim the point that you want to select. Proceed to click on the figure for number_of_points times and MATLAB will record all the selected coordinates in [x,y].

Instruction Files

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