Use SPSS to construct a frequency table and histogram for this data. Title your work and attach it to this homework.



1.      Use SPSS to construct a frequency table and histogram for this data. Title your work and attach it to this homework.



2.      In SPSS compute the mean, median and mode for this dataset. Attach the output and title it “Central Tendency Data” (Page 3).

      (a) Mean                      ______

      (b) Median                  ______

      (c) Mode(s)                 ______


3.      What is the shape of this distribution? Hint: If the Use the values of the mean, median, and mode to infer the shape of this distribution.



4.      In SPSS compute/display the mean, variance and standard deviation for this dataset, attach the output and title it “Variability Data”.


5.      For the raw data below, compute/display the Z-scores in SPSS. Follow the directions in the book for doing this (5.10 SPSS in Focus: Converting Raw Scores to Standard Z-Scores)   You will need to print/make a pdf of the data table. Label the raw data “rawdata” and label the Z-scores of the raw data “Zdata”. Display/output the mean, variance and standard deviations of the raw data and the Zdata.

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