Use the following visualization to influence your implementation of turn(). Implement the following private method:

computer science


Task 1:

Implement the following default and parameterized constructors:

Motorcycle();          // brand_ <- a random bike type
                       // curr_acceleration_ <- bike_details::NONE

Motorcycle(int kind_of_bike);       // initialize all members besides brand_ to the values that 
                                    // they take on in the default contructor

                                    // brand_ <- kind_of_bike

Hint: Use rand() from the <stdlib.h> library to produce random values.

Task 2:

Implement following getter functions:

    return the string that corresponds to the curr_direction_ that the caller faces 
        relative to a cartesian plane; assume that the caller is at position (0,0),
        the degree measure of (1, 0) is 0 degrees, and the degree measure of (-1, 0) is 180 degrees

        "North" == 90
        0 < "Northeast" < 90 
        "East" == 0
        "Southeast" > 270
        "South" == 270
        180 < "Southwest" < 270
        "West" == 180
        90 < "Northwest" < 180
std::string getDirection();

string getBikeType();                               // string version of brand_

float getSpeed();                                   // curr_speed_

float getDistanceTraveled();                        // distance_traveled_

int getIntensity();                              // curr_acceleration_

Implement the following public methods:

    updates direction_
    @param degrees: -360 <= degrees <= 360, and if the user enters a number outside of these
                    bounds adjust @param degrees to be within this range
void turn(float degrees);

Hint: Use the following visualization to influence your implementation of turn().

Implement the following private method:

    alters curr_speed_ depending on curr_speed_, curr_acceleration_, and brand_

    USE THE FOLLOWING FORMULA: [ (acceleration) / 8 ] + [ (brand) * 17.64 ]
void updateSpeed();
Task 3:

Implement the following public method:

    if the current acceleration is not HIGH increase it by one level and call updateSpeed()
void accelerate();

    if the current acceleration is not NONE decrease it by one level and call updateSpeed()
void brake();

    given curr_speed_, curr_acceleration_, brand_, and @param float duration,
        calculate the distance traveled during the specified time;
        increment distance_traveled_ by this amount
    @param float duration: time traveled
    @return: updated distance_traveled_
float ride(float duration);

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