Users that have accounts with this theater will have a 20% discount when ordering tickets on top of any other discount.

computer science


Users that have accounts with this theater will have a 20% discount when ordering tickets on top of any other discount. A user that does not have an account can register and create an account. The database that holds the account should have the user id account number, first name and last name. Once the user has made their selection, a screen will be displayed of the movie they bought a ticket for, the types and numbers of tickets purchased and their name . An administrator should be able to view the database of table of registered users and any other tale and perform CRUD operations. Both a Registered user and an administrator need to login to the system . But only the administrator should be able to view the database(s) tables(s). A non registered user does not need to login and should be able to purchase a ticket(s)

To actually connect to H2, keep the settings of application. properties to the one used in the class examples. 

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