Using the daily temperature data, extract mean monthly temperature, extreme minimum monthly temperature (the coldest temperature of the month), and extreme maximum monthly temperature (the hottest temperature of the month).

computer science


1- On the first page of your submission write in BOLD the name of the station assigned to you. 

2- Download the daily maximum, mean and minimum temperate related to your station for the period of 1977 to 20161 from Canadian Climate Data Accessibility Portal (CCDAP), available at 

3- Using the daily temperature data, extract mean monthly temperature, extreme minimum monthly temperature (the coldest temperature of the month), and extreme maximum monthly temperature (the hottest temperature of the month). What is the coldest and hottest temperature of (10%). 

4- Plot the timeseries for the three variables asked from you. Give appropriate title and label to each figure (10%). 

5- Divide each of the timeseries into 12 separate series related to each Julian month (all Januaries together, all Februaries together and so on). Create a table that includes the statistical information (min, mean, median, mode, max, std) of the data in each Julian month (40%). 

6- Fit a line to each monthly timeseries. Plot the data along with the fitted line. Based on the slope of the line, decide whether the data in each month show an increasing or decreasing trend, or have no change in time. Based on your analyses, discuss how the climate is changing in your city (40%). 

7- Summarize the code and calculation procedure you designed through an effective, accurate and concise flowchart (10% bonous).

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