Using the decision tree resources available in the Topic Materials, create a decision tree for the scenario you outlined in Topic 2 DQ 1. Attach the decision tree to your response and include insights in crafting the decision tree. How would you apply you



Using the decision tree resources available in the Topic Materials, create a decision tree for the scenario you outlined in Topic 2 DQ 1. Attach the decision tree to your response and include insights in crafting the decision tree. How would you apply your experience to larger-scale decisions at an organizational level? This is the topic: When it comes to the aspect of making a decision, several models are taken into account, bearing in mind the various steps in each approach or model. The types of business decision models include the rational and intuitive design. As an individual who is having an objective of selecting an outfit I am desperate on what best fits me. In this situation, I, therefore, need to apply the best decision-making model that would help me get the best outfit among the several outfits that seem to be appealing.

 By looking into the rational decision-making model, we find that it incorporates several steps that decision makers need to take into consideration if their objective or goal is to maximize outcome quality. With the best and numerous alternatives, I would come out with the best alternative that proves to be the best concerning quality since quality matters a lot. Among the several steps that are incorporated in the rational decision-making model that I did apply for the purchase of my best outfit did include defining the problem which is getting the best outfit. The second phase in the model is identifying the decision criteria, which is bringing all the alternatives taking into account factors such as financial and availability factors. The other step is developing the alternatives, then weigh which of the alternatives would try to solve the issue or problem at hand. After undertaking all the processes and evaluating all the possible options is coming up with the best alternative that suits all the factors based on the problem, which after that I will go for the best and be assured of quality

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