Using this chapter’s recommended Web sites, conduct an online investigation of terrorism in the United States. Support your answer to each of the questions with information from one or more journal articles



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Using this chapter’s recommended Web sites, conduct an online investigation of terrorism in the United States. Support your answer to each of the questions with information from one or more journal articles.

  1. How would you describe the typologies of groups that predominate in the United States?
  2. Conduct a Web search of American monitoring organizations, read their mission statements, and assess their services. Which organizations do you think provide the most useful data? Why?
Recommended Websites

The following Web sites provide information about extremist movements and ideologies in the United States.

  • Animal Liberation Front
  • Conservative Headlines (Council of Conservative Citizens)
  • Prairie Fire: The Politics of Revolutionary Anti-imperialism: The Political Statement of the Weather Underground
  • Revolutionary Communist Party, USA

The following Web sites provide information and data about counterterrorist policies and options.

  • Bureau of Counterterrorism and Countering Violent Extremism (U.S. Department of State)
  • Diplomatic Security Service, Rewards for Justice
  • International Rescue Committee
  • United Nations International Court of Justice

For an online search of terrorism in the United States, readers should activate the search engine on their Web browser and enter the following keywords:

  • Homeland Security
  • Domestic Terrorism

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