Using today’s “After The Break” as inspiration, write a Java program that generates a simple KML file from spatial data stored within a text file. Your input dataset must contain at least 10 points.

computer science


  • Using today’s “After The Break” as inspiration, write a Java program that generates a simple KML file from spatial data stored within a text file. Your input dataset must contain at least 10 points.  Your Java program does not have parse and plot a full huge dataset!  You can pull out a few lines of data (at least 10) to be plotted.  To make things easy on yourself, make sure your dataset contains location (lat and lon) data. 
  • Input:
    • Your CSV text file containing at least 10 points to be plotted on the map
    • If you find data you want to use but it is not in CSV format, you can make your own CSV file out of it.  Just make sure you describe your data methodology....where you got the data and how you modified it.
  • Processing:
    • Read the data from a text file using a Scanner
    • Output the data to a KML file using a PrintWriter
  • Output:
    • Simple KML file that displays at least 10 points on the map. You can test your KML file using either Google Earth or Google My Maps. 
    • In your email message, include a link to the site where you found your dataset, a short description of the dataset and its fields, and your reason for picking that dataset.
  • Validation:
    • Using Google Earth or Google "My Maps" load your KML file and make sure it properly displays.  
  • Submission:
    • Have your Java program output your first and last name.
    • Email me your Java file, text input file, and output KML file as an attachment to
  • Resources for KML:
    • KML tutorial: (Links to an external site.)
    • KML reference: (Links to an external site.)
  • Some suggestions for finding datasets:
    • Google Dataset Search: (Links to an external site.)
    • Reddit Datasets: (Links to an external site.)
    • Public Datasets: (Links to an external site.)
    • Kaggle Datasets:

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