Value and Meaning: Explain and critically evaluate Nozick's definitions of value and meaning in chapter 15 and the supporting arguments he gives for these definitions.



Value and Meaning: Explain and critically evaluate Nozick's definitions of value and meaning in chapter 15 and the supporting arguments he gives for these definitions. Apply his definition first by explaining how either an emotion or a ‘we’ would have value and meaning (according to his definitions) and then to your life by explaining which aspects of your life currently have value and meaning (according to his definitions) AND what changes in your life would make it more valuable and meaningful (according to his definitions) than it is now. Kierkegaard: Stages On Life’s Way Explain how the self-changes through the three stages of life (Aesthetic, Ethical, Religious) according to Kierkegaard. Specifically, explain how the different forms of choice at each stage result in different forms or levels of inwardness, and how this leads to different forms of selfhood at each stage. Explaining some conclusion about the self, choosing or existing that you have arrived at from the analysis given in your paper KIERKEGAARD LINK

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