View Edvard Munch’s (pronounced Moon-k) The Scream and write a discussion board thread that: Lists 3 visual elements of art and design (the "building blocks") you think Munch employed when he created The Scream. These visual elements must be chose



View Edvard Munch’s (pronounced Moon-k) The Scream and write a discussion board thread that: Lists 3 visual elements of art and design (the "building blocks") you think Munch employed when he created The Scream. These visual elements must be chosen from those featured in Chapter 3 and the PowerPoint presentation. After you list the 3 visual elements, you must then write a 300-word long thread that describes the characteristics of each element AND explains why they were chosen by Munch to create The Scream. Pay particular attention to the most obvious visual elements of The Scream. It may be helpful for you to view the attached image of the painting while viewing the PowerPoint presentation. One could argue that Munch employed most of the visual elements of art (those featured in the PowerPoint presentation) when he painted The Scream. Therefore, choose 3 visual elements YOU think are the most obvious and the most obviously effective. You should also consider how the visual elements Munch chose were likely intended to aid in communicating the theme/meaning of The Scream

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