Visit theUnited States Consumer Product Safety Commissionwebsite. Click on “Recalls.” Choose one product that has been recalled. Describe the product subject to recall, including the recall date, recall number, and the reason for the recall.



Visit theUnited States Consumer Product Safety Commissionwebsite. Click on “Recalls.” Choose one product that has been recalled. Describe the product subject to recall, including the recall date, recall number, and the reason for the recall. Analyze whether the manufacturer would be liable for negligence if the product had not been recalled and had caused harm to a consumer. Discusses the following in relation to the product recall: Duty of Care Standard of Care Breach of the Duty of Care Actual Causation Proximate Causation Actual Injury Defenses to Negligence Analyze and apply a relevant consumer protection statute identified under “Consumer Protection” in Chapter 8 of your text in conjunction with the product recall that you have identified. Must address the topic with critical thought. 

Notes from Professor Class, this week you have a paper on product liability and negligence. Please make sure you look at the grading rubric for the assignment and discuss everything that is asked for. Don't spend a ton of time telling me about the recalled item. I want the paper to focus on the negligence aspect and what the elements of negligence are. I want you to state the element, define it (using a reference), explain it and then apply it to your example. This will show full comprehension. You should have at least a paragraph for each element. There is a portion of the paper that asks to explain if you think the company would be held liable for negligence if they had not recalled the item. I want you to explain to me why you chose your answer to this and not just answer the question with one sentence. Remember, the more explanation the better. Notes from Professor Class, this week you have a paper on product liability and negligence.

 Please make sure you look at the grading rubric for the assignment and discuss everything that is asked for. Don't spend a ton of time telling me about the recalled item. I want the paper to focus on the negligence aspect and what the elements of negligence are. I want you to state the element, define it (using a reference), explain it and then apply it to your example. This will show full comprehension. You should have at least a paragraph for each element. There is a portion of the paper that asks to explain if you think the company would be held liable for negligence if they had not recalled the item. I want you to explain to me why you chose your answer to this and not just answer the question with one sentence. Remember, the more explanation the better.

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