W5 Discussion (Solved)



W5 Discussion 

Each week, you will be asked to respond to the prompt or prompts in the discussion forum. Your initial post should be 75-150 words in length, and is due on Sunday. By Tuesday, you should respond to two additional posts from your peers. 

Decentralized Activities

This week we covered Chapter 9, Evaluating Decentralized Operations and Chapter 10, Differential Analysis and Product Pricing.  Decentralized Operations is when decision making and authority is transferred to subunits of the company.  This is the difference in revenue and expenses between different products. Please choose a company which produces more than one product.  Take at least two of these products and discuss the different costs between these two products which may make one more profitable than the other. It is not allowed to use the same company as a student from a previous post in Week 5.

Please make an initial post and two replies to either your classmates or professor.  The initial post must be at least 75-150 words with one external reference in APA format, while your replies must be at least 100 words.

Related Questions in business category

The ready solutions purchased from Library are already used solutions. Please do not submit them directly as it may lead to plagiarism. Once paid, the solution file download link will be sent to your provided email. Please either use them for learning purpose or re-write them in your own language. In case if you haven't get the email, do let us know via chat support.