watch the video “7 steps to select the Right Architecture for Your Web Application” located at Write a one page essay that discusses the content of the video.

technical writing


watch the video “7 steps to select the Right Architecture for Your Web Application” located at Write a one page essay that discusses the content of the video. Watch the video “The Eight Fallacies of Distributed Computing" by Stephen Asbury” located at Read the article “Fallacies of Distributed Computing Explained” at Write a one page essay that describes each fallacy. Read the article “Progress without profits” from the September 19th, 2015 edition of “The Economist”, CCF11212015.pdf. Next research the product “Databricks” by visiting Databrick’s website, Finally, read about Apache Spark at Write a one page essay that describes Databricks, Spark and how they work together. Compare and contrast horizontal and vertical partitioning in the RDBMS and ODBMS models. Show all steps involved in completing your work and describe your assumptions clearly. You can list your assumptions on the page following your responses. please write in a scholarly manner and use APA format. thanks in advance

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