What are some of the aspects that Managers should consider when moving to a Cloud Computing environment? There are numerous factors that should be considered when moving to the cloud computing environment: Selecting the cloud service Cloud service provide

computer science


What are some of the aspects that Managers should consider when moving to a Cloud Computing environment? There are numerous factors that should be considered when moving to the cloud computing environment: Selecting the cloud service Cloud service provider and end-user agreements Service level agreements CSP, agency and integrator duties and roles Standards Protection Privacy Freedom of information act How could you rank service provider offerings? J.D. power and associates, global marketing information Services Company provides the better service providers. This will depend on the five factors that are: price, billing, packages, promotions and customer services. Speed is the important factor to provide the rank to service provider. How could a company perform an analysis of their current environment? What should they know before choosing a provider? An organization based on strengths to capture the chances and identify the weaknesses to prevent from becoming the fatality of environmental risks. A company operates an environmental analysis to attain an understanding of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The environmental analysis then inspirations corporate planning and strategies decisions. This is the three step method in which the firm first recognizes the environmental factors that impact their business.

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