What data or information will you use in your opinion piece?



Part 1: Topic Selection (3 points)


Topic – 1-2 sentences, not just the title (1 point)

Explain why you chose it (2 points) up to 100 words – you can refer to personal experience and/or social media/news that inspired you



Part 2: Annotated Bibliography (6 points)

In this section you must find, cite, and summarize 2 sources related to your topic.

NOTE: you can use additional sources in the opinion piece itself – in that case, provide APA citations only for them at the end of your opinion piece.



Your summary for each source should address 3 questions:

1.    What is the main argument of this source?

2.    What data or information will you use in your opinion piece?

3.    What biases might be present with this source?



Your two sources need to represent two different types of sources from the following list: 

  • Academic research article (from a scholarly journal)
  • News article (from a reputable source e.g. BBC or New Yorker magazine)
  • Think tank report (e.g. Broadbent institute)
  • Advocacy or non-governmental organization report (e.g. Greenpeace)
  • Government statistics or report
  • International intergovernmental report (e.g. UN)
  • Political party report or politician statement



Source 1:

APA Citation

(1 point)

Summary: 3-5 sentences

(2 points)





Source 2:


APA Citation

(1 points)

Summary: 3-5 sentences

(2 points)


Part 3: Opinion Piece (11 points)


Your opinion piece should be 500-750 words, with in-text citations for facts or quotes you take from the sources you consult. 


The opinion piece must address one of the following questions (you can include elements of both but FOCUS clearly on just one question, to make it as specific as possible):


1.    What should society be doing to address this problem/issue?




2.    What should elected officials (in a given country or internationally) be doing to address this problem/issue?



Briefly introduce your topic, clearly state your position and why you care

2 points

Elaborate a clear, organized argument supporting your opinion

3 points

Connect evidence from your annotated bibliographic sources to your argument

3 points

Spelling & Grammar

3 points



Some possible topics (feel free to consult with me!)


-          Pandemic politics / economics

-          Climate change

-          Racism and racial justice

-          Indigenous rights / land rights in Canada / decolonization

-          Immigration

-          Refugees

-          Policing & society

-          Wealth inequality

-          Animal rights

-          China-US relations / trade wars

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