What do you see as the biggest challenge to a state's sovereignty from the emergence of transnational law



Two different Assignment Questions

First Question

What do you see as the biggest challenge to a state's sovereignty from the emergence of transnational law?

Be sure to include a current event item from an internet news source to illustrate your answer.

News sources on the internet may be found in our Library (see the link on the left-side toolbar).  The best database is Lexis Nexis.  Do an "advanced search" to set date parameters for the past six months.  
As with the first forum, this forum is designed to help you achieve our first-course objective:
CO-1 Describe the various roles and duties of international civilian police in UN peace operations

Second question

Identify an operational or tactical consideration in peacekeeping from Lesson 1 in the Peace Operations Training Institute book and explain why that consideration would be important to someone working as an international civilian police officer.

Related Questions in law category

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