What is scientific knowledge? How does it differ from knowledge acquired “unconsciously”?

social sciences


Chapter 1

1.      What is scientific knowledge? How does it differ from knowledge acquired “unconsciously”?

2.      What is the scientific method?

3.      In what sense is social science scientific?

4.      What are the advantages of the interdisciplinary approach to the study of many social problems?

5.      What new social science fields do you think will be important ten years from now? Why do you think so?


Chapter 3

1.      What are some of the developments that changed human beings from roving hunters to people living in fixed communities? What responsibilities and functions did the towns grow to provide?

2.      In thinking about your life today, can you identify any ideas that may have come from the Greeks? From the Romans? From the Middle Ages? If so, what are they? (If you prefer, choose some of the other periods discussed, such as the Reformation and the Industrial Revolution.)

3.      How did the church affect life in the Middle Ages? Did its influence change in the Renaissance?

4.      What was revolutionized by the Industrial Revolution?

5.      Name some of the wars that altered the course of Western society. Why do you think they led to change??


Chapter 4

1.      What is the definition of culture given in the text? What is cultural evolution?

2.      Explain the relationship between culture and society.

3.      Distinguish between the concepts of social evolution and social change.

4.      Of today’s major social problems, which three seem to you most critical? Defend your choices.

5.      Sometimes we are dissatisfied with aspects of our social system. Should we therefore dismantle it completely and start over? Why or why not?


Chapter 5

1.      What are some of the questions that geography is concerned with?

2.      How does geography interact with sociology?

3.      What is the Malthusian doctrine? Have the predictions of Thomas Malthus come true?

4.      Identify some of the reasons why the world population has grown in the past 200 years.

5.      In practice, are all policies for limitation of population growth acceptable? If not, which ones would you argue against?


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