Create a simulation for a 3km segment of motorway that reduces after 2km from 3 lanes to 2 lanes
Answer the following questions:
What is the as optimal average traveling time topt in free flowing, non-congested traffic?
What is the optimum throughput Nopt in cars/hours when the average traveling time is 20% longer than topt. (Nopt=4000 cars/hours, see Fig.2 below)
What is the maximum throughput Ncong in cars/hours when the motorway is heavily congested, but the traffic is still flowing? We define traffic as congested, when the average travelling time tcong is twice the optimal average travelling time topt. (The Trinity study seems to indicate a value of Ncong=5000 cars/hours
The Simulation Model
This section should give a clear description of the key components of the simulation model. There is an interaction between vehicle types, driver behaviour and the overall traffic generation model. Explain the choices you have made. When your study is based on particular parameter settings include them clearly readable in tabular format. Subsections should cover the following aspects:
Model for vehicles
Model for the behaviour of human drivers
Model for autonomous or computer assisted driving
Model for the Motorway section
Model for Traffic Generation
Data Collection
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