What is the full name of the course award I am working for



What is the full name of the course award I am working for? Successful completion of this course can count towards several qualifications. Check your registration details for the qualification you are working towards. How much work is involved? Whichever qualification you are working towards will have a number of units of competency you are required to complete. This unit is entitled: BSBLDR402 Lead effective workplace relationships. Each unit represents one course on your journey towards completion of your qualification. We recommend that, to successfully meet the requirements of each unit, you plan to complete one unit of study per month. You will receive your personalised study plan two weeks after your enrolment date. This study plan is a structured plan which allocates a manageable study timeframe, with the allocation of additional months at the end of your study period. This will enable you to read through the materials, undertaking a range of activities which focus on this Unit. Then you will be ready for the final assessments at the end of the Unit. If I get stuck or need help, what is available? The Technical Panel is available to support you during business hours, from Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays). You may book a phone coaching session with a Technical Advisor by emailing your questions to business.support@aipt.edu.au. One of the Technical Advisors will respond to you within two business days. In the meantime, whilst you are waiting for a response, we recommend that you continue working through your unit learning and activities. Aim: What is this unit about, and what will be expected of me? The aim of this unit is to develop your skills, knowledge, and attributes for leading effective relationships. You will learn about collecting and communicating information, building trust and confidence, networking, and managing difficulties for positive outcomes. For the purposes of this unit, Lead effective workplace relationships will involve any employee who is required to lead effective workplace relationships, including collecting information, communicating, building trust, and leading difficult situations to positive outcomes.

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