Your program must meet the following requirements.
- You must have at least 10 inputs are required to complete the game.
- It must be possible to both win and lose at the game.
- You must you at least 5 functions.
- You must use at least 5 looping elements (while, for, recursion, etc).
- You must use at least 5 conditional statements.
- You must have proper comments.
- You must use good style and formatting.
- You must use good variable names.
- Your game must print out in a well formatted and easy to read manner.
Project Components
P1: Project Proposal [10 points] Due 11:59PM Sunday 1/26/20
Write a 1-2 page Document explaining how your program will work. Submit a PDF document. Your document must include answers to all the following.
- (1 point) What is the name of your game?
- (2 points) Describe the how your game will work.
- (1 points) What kind of outputs will be printed to the screen?
- (1 points) What kind of inputs will the user have to enter?
- (2 points) Why did you pick this game?
- (1 points) What problems do you expect to encounter when developing your game?
- (1 points) How does a player win at your game?
- (1 points) How can a player lose at your game?
P2: Example Games [15 points] Due 11:59PM Sunday 2/16/20
Type out two example games in a Document. Submit the document as a PDF. One where the player wins and one where the player loses.
Your document must meet the following requirements.
- (10 points) Show a game example with 10 inputs leading to a player winning the game.
- (4 points) Show a game example with at least 4 inputs leading to a player losing the game.
- (1 point) Color code the text the program will print out in black. Color code the text the user will type as input in blue.
P3: Programming Proposal [25 points] Due 11:59PM Sunday 3/1/20
Write a Document explaining how you will meet the requirements of the project. Submit the document as a PDF. Submit your current work on the project for review by your Mentor.
You must do the following:
- (5 points) Submit all Python code you have written so far for review (in one or more .py files). Your code does not need to be completed or working. It must just be submitted. Your mentor will review it and give you suggestions.
- (10 points) - What are 5 functions you think you will need in your game? Describe what their inputs are and what they do. 1 point for function inputs and 1 for what the function does.
- (5 points) - What are 5 looping elements (while, for, recursion, etc) you think you will need in your game? What will each do? 1 point each loop.
- (5 points) - What are 5 conditional statements you will need in your game? What do they decide? 1 point each conditional.