What roles do you think small businesses play in most economies



Question 1

What roles do you think small businesses play in most economies?

Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 7
Question 8

As a small business goes international through incremental stages instead of as a global start-up, what unique benefits does it have? Can you identify any obstacles?

What do you think are the major barriers to small business internationalization? How can these barriers be removed?

What do you think an aspiring exporter should know about the export market?

What do you think the small business model is?

Question 6

The use and benefits of the Internet are not limited to multinationals that are Fortune 500 companies. How can small businesses that are going international benefit from the Internet?

What impacts do you think small businesses and entrepreneurs have on national economic growth and development? Why should multinationals consider entrepreneurship levels in target countries?

What methods do you think a small business manager can use in developing contacts necessary to implement export strategy?

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