What they want to do is add a delivery option where customers can order online...and choose to have pick-up or delivery.



Luigi's pizza in Houston needs a new website desperately. Here is their existing site: https://www.luigipizzamidtown.com/ . It needs a lot of work. What they want to do is add a delivery option where customers can order online...and choose to have pick-up or delivery. They will take credit cards are payments. In addition, they also want an app that can be downloaded onto smartphones to accommodate deliveries/pickups.


You will need to create a Charter and other documents you see necessary. You will create a WBS using MS Project. You will show a Gantt chart...with resource allocation. Create a presentation in PowerPoint to show your work...also include other documents and your MS Project file. Zip these all into one file to submit. You DO NOT need to create a website. 

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